
Easter Egg Treasure Hunt

You can win a 3-night trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee, plus $500 spending cash if you find the hidden egg. Look for clues hidden daily in Classifieds. Clues will not be given online, but we will keep you up to date as to whether the egg is still hiding.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Are you in the hunt?

Are you following the daily clues in The Herald-Dispatch and hunting for the egg?

We would love to hear from you. Click "Comments" below and tell us your name and city of residence! Do you have a team of hunters? If so, comment with the members' name and your team name.

SEND US PHOTOS OF YOUR HUNT to acopley@herald-dispatch.com. Be sure to give first and last names of everyone in the photo. 

If you would like to receive notifications when this blog is updated, just enter your email address in the "Follow by Email" box to the right.


thndrnghrd24 said...

Anywhere to find previous clues? I got today's but missed yesterday's and Monday's (although it appears Monday's wasn't too important).


Alex's Mom said...

Any updates on the blog?

jeellis123 said...

The Ellis egg seekers are on the trail

Anonymous said...

Can we get a confirmation that it’s still out there?

Anonymous said...

It is heating up, I saw people at several locations where I've looked. I suspect it won't be long now. Good hunt so far.

Online said...

We have back issues at The Herald-Dispatch office, 946 5th Ave. Or, if you become a subscriber, you have access to the past 30 days of e-editions. Subscriptions are $9.95/month. Call us at 304-526-4005.